YaleNUS Hackathon | Team Blizzard
YaleNUS Hackathon | Team Blizzard
Click and drag any point in the chart to visualize it in 3D. Climate change is a pressing issue, and it is critical that stakeholders put in the effort to implement change. In this graph, we visualize countries' size (GDP and emissions) and the corresponding number of initiatives that they have adopted. Note that all axes are scaled logarithmically. It is heartening that there is a correlation between larger emissions, gdp size, and the number of initiatives taken up. This means that larger countries are putting in the effort to reduce their carbon emissions. However, we can see some laggards in the world. Seeing by region, we can see the efforts in different regions and gain understanding that different areas need to put in more effort. (Look at commitments by European countries versus sub-saharan african countries)